7 Useful Tips To Make Your Bedroom Ready For Wild Sex!

7 Useful Tips To Make Your Bedroom Ready For Wild Sex!

Your date may be hot AF, but if the ambiance is not conducive to sexy time, it will just ruin the experience. When you’re attracted to someone, even the back of your car can accelerate your horniness, but a nice environment won’t hurt. Make your bedroom look like it’s asking for the two individuals in it to have wild, passionate sex! Confused? Fret not, we’re here to help you. Not physically. We don’t provide house-cleaning services. But hey, here are 7 useful tips that will transform your bedroom an idyllic sex destination!

  1. Invest in soft, good quality bedsheets

I understand your old bed sheet feels comfortable and “lived in” but the stains from your previous meal will not be very appealing to your date. How about a new silk or a pure cotton freshly washed bedsheet? Also, a lot of pillows – you never know which sex position will need you to use them.

  1. Keep the clutter away

Imagine you’re in the middle of banging hot sex and your butt lands on the television remote inadvertently planted on your bed? I am pretty sure that’s not the kind of rough sex you’re expecting. So, get cleaning!

  1. Keep the lights dim

Close the drapes, and dim the lights. Nobody wants to have sex in a room that makes you want to wear your sunglasses indoor. Invest in some fairy lights to enhance the mood. Also, dim yellow lights make you look so much better.

  1. Add some fragrance

Make your bedroom smell like a luxury spa. Get some scented candles and aroma diffuser. This will make your sexy night feel even more rejuvenating and romantic. You can also ask your date to give you a massage for starters.

  1. Put the AC on

All that passionate kissing and banging is going to get you all hot and sweaty. Cool your room beforehand, so you can peacefully cuddle post-coitus.


  1. Play sexy music

Have your sex playlist prepared beforehand! Let the music get you two in mood. Because, everything becomes a bit nicer with music.

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  1. Keep massage oil and sex toys at close reach

Condoms? Essential oil? Vibrator? Tissues? All check! That way, you don’t have to break the flow of the moment to go fetch what you need.

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Akanksha Narang

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