5 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Consider Having Sex With An Ex

5 Things To Keep In Mind Before You Consider Having Sex With An Ex

Nostalgia is like a drug that makes you love something in hindsight, which if you really think about it, wasn’t really that great in the first place. Like your ex. You broke up for a reason, but there you are, all tempted by his hot bod (he looked exactly the same before), his bearded look (unruly hair on face? wow) and co-incidentally, he still wears the perfume you loved on him.

It’s been a while, and you assume that maybe, staying in touch with an ex isn’t that bad after all. So you catch up over a couple of drinks and before you know it, your sexual longing is making you take bad decisions. At this point, the only bad decision you care about is having worn your boy short panties!

Hold that thought. Sex with an ex is a complicated concept, and you wouldn’t want to go for it without being mentally prepared. Keep these things in mind to before you consider having sex with an ex. Say this a couple of times, it rhymes. Okay, back to the point of the article.

Sex shouldn’t be used as a means to rekindle your relationship

Sleeping with him won’t make him want you back and vice versa. Understand that sex can be for just physical pleasure. Canoodling with him will probably cloud your judgment but not fix the issues that broke your relationship. Keep that in mind and to avoid the blame game, make sure both of you are on the same page.

It will either give you closure or make moving on impossible

For some people, having that one last sex is like closing the door behind an ex. While for some, it is a way of being in denial and keeping in contact with their ex. Sex can blur the boundaries you had drawn between you, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of a break up. So consider what type you fall under before letting your past temptations take over.

Discuss expectations beforehand

Will it be a one-off or an ongoing arrangement? Is cuddling too harmful for your emotions? It’s always better to keep expectations in check. You’re already aware of the damage unmet expectations cause.

Prepare for an emotional turmoil

I know, when you’re at the crossroad, you probably feel invincible and assume that it cannot perforate your heart. Except it does! Once you’ve dived into ex sex, you will realise that it does make you feel a mix of emotions you weren’t really prepared for! Which is why, it’s best if you know that in advance and be ready to experience it for a bit before picking yourself up again!

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While at it, don’t let grudges hold you back or reduce your self-worth

If you did choose to go with sex with an ex, for all it’s worth – just have fun! Don’t hold grudges or discuss your ex-relationship woes. Not in bed! Neither should you feel under-confident. Be a goddess, and own every single of your orgasms because you’re not taking all the messy emotional pain for nothing!

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Akanksha Narang

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