Your Horoscope This Week

Your Horoscope This Week

HauterScopes is a weekly column with exclusive horoscope readings for you. Check back every Monday for insights on your week ahead when it comes to love, career, and general well-being. We promise it’s going to be awesome!

April 8 Aries


It’s all systems go for Aries this week, as you fight the lazy energy of the Mercury in retrograde and steer yourself back into the way of forward movement. What’s that old saying – rolling stones gather no moss? This is a time for reiterating your end goal and working with tunnel vision to get there because there’s only so far the people around you can be of help. This week is a lesson in appreciating the value of struggle which makes the ultimate victory that much sweeter.

April 8 Taurus


For Taurus this week comes heavy with healing vibes, of the calm in the aftermath of a storm from the recent past. This could be a stressful situation at work or in a relationship, or even a particularly bad bout of cold. The time now is to move past the pain without trying to break it down in your head about what and who went wrong. Think more conscientiously about what you can do to make your surroundings a better place. Indulge in your creative side.

Gemini April 8


This week Gemini finds themselves in a sticky situation. A sudden change that throws you off balance which can be rather painful. Now while it’s normal to feel stuck between a rock and a hard place as you wonder whether to mourn this situation or try to make sense of where you went wrong, try and step back. Analyse it from the bigger picture perspective. You will realise that you were headed towards a dead end.

Cancer April  8


Cancer, this week finds themselves in a position where you need to take a stand. If there’s something you feel strongly about, if you’re being treated unfairly by your partner or a colleague, take a stance yet find the most effective way for your opinion to be heard. It’s not always about making grand statements rather clarifying that you won’t partake in the unfairness. This can feel like a monumental task, given the situational conflict, but the energy calls for resolve and taking responsibility for yourself.

Leo April 8


For Leo this week the energy is of love, of sharing and spreading love everywhere you go. Think of it beyond the norms of a relationship, though for those with a steady partner this is a good time to test out the next stage in your commitment. For those whose current soulmate happens to be man’s four legged best friend, take your pup out for a treat, spend the day playing in the sun. sometimes we just need to be in proximity to the ones we love to feel whole again.

Virgo April 8


This week Virgo is taking things to new heights! Revel in the superhuman vibes as you’re using this surge of energy to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s. Make a checklist, get it all done, and then see what more you can do – keep an eye open for anyone around you who could benefit from your time and help. You’re in a position to plan for the future but in a very tangible way in that you can set a goal and then map your way to it – and that’s half the job done anyway.

Horoscope Libra April 8


For Libra this week involves making decisions and not just between the milk for your coffee. The cards signal a situation that requires deliberation and careful analysis of both sides of this story. Your choices will help you enter a new phase of life without the option of retracting. In other words, there’s no going back! Any feelings you’ve been harboring about being wronged should be effectively expressed rather than vented so you’re better understood – be the rebel but with a cause.

Horoscope Scorpio April 8


It’s never a straight road Scorpio and this week only serves as a reminder of it. Much like the game of Super Mario you’ve got enough hurdles to jump past and roll through – this is the time to remind yourself that you have the strength to pull through. A good exercise in these times of struggle is to remind yourself of why you started this journey and more importantly what your end goal is. Harness that inner resolve and push past the roadblocks.

Horoscope Sagittarius April 8


Sagittarius this week dons on the boss-daddy cap as it’s time to sit and get things done. Start with dreaming, dream as big as you can and then start planning your journey to make this vision a reality. This renewed drive also calls for setting aside any emotional or frivolous energy – basically swap your Netflix binging for some serious planning. Aim for the sky reach for the stars!

Horoscope Capricorn April 8


For Capricorn this week is all about finding your sense of control and truly taking over the path your life is on, it’s about pushing aside the things that are distracting you or holding you back from moving forward. Listen to your instinct because sometimes even Google Maps gets the route wrong, you know how best to reach you dream goals.

Horoscope Aquarius April 8


The subject of this week’s lesson is constraint and Aquarius this week masters the art of learning to control their temper. When you lose control of your emotional response to a situation, person, or conflict, not only are you clouding your judgment but also the perception that others hold of you. Spend some downtime to regain harmony both within and without, it’s a good time to take a break and do the things you love – stuff that feeds the soul like a solo trip, an art class, anything you like really.

Horoscope Pisces April 8


After a period of stormy skies Pisces finds themselves in a position of calm, of clarity of mind and emotions particularly because you’ve expunged all the negativity and now is the time to get back to work. Think back to the hard times, to when you’ve been at your lowest and use that as a motivation to be your best self. When you balance your emotional knee-jerk reactions you’ll find that you’re opened up to more creative energy thus allowing yourself to create your best work!

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